Church News
Revolutionary History in Action
On Sunday, July 3rd, Meridoc Burkhardt, as Reverend James Caldwell visted Connecticut Farms Church to deliver this historical and educational service.

The Mission Committee
The word mission as a translation of the Greek apostole, means "a sending". An apostle is one commissioned and sent to fulfill a special purpose. Our Mission Committee exists for a special purpose. Like the Apostles, we share the word, teachings and work of Jesus Christ by living example.
We sponsor and produce fundraising and special events like our monthly food pantry, the Souper Bowl of Caring, clothing and food drives, holiday parties, Scouting, Christian education, youth programs and many other community projects.
We offer financial and other methods of support to church groups and by partnering with outside organizations that shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, strengthen the community and protect the future for our children.
Most of all, we share a love for humanity, our local community and our church family. We work together, have fun and celebrate our work with joy and laughter. Meetings are usually held monthly, done virtually when appropriate and are lively and productive. A member of the Mission Committee does not need any special skills or to make any specific financial commitment. You decide the level of time, talent or treasury that you are able to contribute. As Mother Teresa said, "We can do no great things, only small things with great love".
There is a place for you as a member of the Connecticut Farms Church Mission Committee.
Food Pantry
We have so much to be grateful for. We recently received food through drives done by 2 local organizations.
The Springfield Presbyterian Church did a food drive for us that included food and non-food items. It was done with thought and generosity.
Cub Pack 68 also did a wonderful drive for us.
The Women's Club of Union sent us a nice monetary donation.
Between both drives our cabinets are ready to help our neighbors once again.
We are always thankful for the generosity and support of our church family. You donate food, you show up to help, you pray for us and our success. Whatever you do for us, be sure it is appreciated.
As always, please do not drop off non-food donations like clothing or household goods before you have spoken to Joan Furson, Jane Reichle, or Sheila Griffin. We will then we happy to accept these items during the week just preceding food pantry.
Thanks again for caring and sharing!
Buildings and Grounds
A note from your Buildings & Grounds Committee...
Dear Committee Chairs, Elders and Deacons,
Please remember that when having an event at the church, any setups and take downs need to be done by your committee members or your volunteer group.
The Facilities Committee will not be responsible for these duties. Thanks so much for your cooperation in this matter.
The Christian Education update is here
ConnectOne Bank will no longer accept checks made out to "CFC" or "Connecticut Farms". You must write "Connecticut Farms Church" or "Conn. Farms Church" on your checks.
Thank you.
The Counting Committee
The Per Capita payment for 2022 is $40.00 per member. Our church is required to pay this amount to the Presbytery for each member. It is separate from your regular pledge amount.
Using GoodSearch as your Internet search engine can earn Connecticut Farms money!
What if Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Church earned a donation every time you searched the Internet? Or how about if a percentage of every purchase you made online went to support our cause? Well, now it can! is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch the donations add up! is a new online shopping mall which donates up to 30 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, eBay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you'll be supporting your favorite cause.
And if you download the GoodSearch - Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Church toolbar, our cause will earn money every time you shop and search online - even if you forget to go to GoodShop or GoodSearch first! Add the Connecticut Farms Presbyterian Church toolbar at There are two other easy ways to use GoodSearch: one is a link on our home page to follow; the other is to use the following address:
Don't get overzealous though. Abuse will cause more harm than good. Simply use GoodSearch in place of and in the same way you use your favorite search engine.
Spread the word to friends and family too!
In preparation for worship, take the opportunity to speak to God, respecting each other's desire to meditate. During worship be mindful of others and the worship leaders and do not move around the sanctuary. At the close of the service, greet one another with joy. Thank you.
Dewey is putting out a request for at least 4 - 5 men to join the Sanctuary Choir. Many men believe they simply can't sing, but Dewey says "if you can speak, you can sing - and I can teach you how!"
Men of all ages are welcome, no prior music experience is necessary, and there is no need to be able to read music. There is one rehearsal each week on Sundays at 9:00 a.m., with flexibility for those involved in other church activities; such as, Sunday School (occasional additional rehearsals for cantatas are minimal and TBD).
Come try it out next Sunday - just bring an open mind and heart, and discover what a joy spirit-led singing can be! Alternatively, if you know someone in the community who enjoys singing? Invite them to come and speak to Dewey.
Remembering First Presbyterian Congregation of Connecticut Farms in Your Estate Planning
Bequests for the benefit of the First Presbyterian Congregation of Connecticut Farms should be made to the First Presbyterian Congregation of Connecticut Farms, which accepts, manages and distributes gifts on behalf of the Congregation. The following sample bequest language will ensure that your gift directly benefits the First Presbyterian Congregation of Connecticut Farms for the purpose you specify.
"I give, devise and bequeath to the First Presbyterian Congregation of Connecticut Farms, a nonprofit congregation headquartered in Union, NJ, the (sum of $____________or (_____percent of my estate) or (the property described herein) or (the remainder of my estate)."
Simply add First Presbyterian Congregation of Connecticut Farms as a beneficiary to your IRA, 401K, deferred annuity or other retirement plan assets.