Youth Ministry
Youth Ministry Mission Statement
The Goals of Youth Ministry Are...
- to provide youth an experience of Christian community.
- to provide youth a context for discussing the interaction of scripture, faith, and issues in their personal life.
- to develop in youth a commitment to following Christ's call to serve and love one another in mission.
- to develop in youth a sense of the importance of worship.
- to provide adult Christian role models and mentors, from a variety of lifestyles and ages if possible.
- to provide youth a grounding in the faith and the church that will both help the youth now and stand them in good stead in the future.
- to provide youth an alternative peer environment.
- to provide youth broader contact with and greater opportunities for service to Connecticut Farms Church.
- to develop leadership skills in youth.
Our Youth Leaders will use this mission statement to measure and evaluate our program for the coming year. We ask that you keep us and our teens in your prayers as we attempt to strengthen their relationship with us, with each other, and with our risen Lord.