Pastor's Corner

"...So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him." (Luke 24: 28 -31b)

Happy spring to everyone:

As I write this, yesterday was Easter, and now we are in the full swing of spring. The air is warm and the days sunny. We begin to think about new things - from clothes to flowers to plant in the garden to replacing worn out tools. Everything seems new - flowers, buds on the trees, robins are appearing, and bunnies are in the back yard.

Just as quickly as the seasons have changed from a snowy cold winter to a wet and warm spring, we have celebrated the Easter resurrection and are now in the post-resurrection season of our church year and our lives.

What does it mean to be post-resurrection? Partly, it means to be living with the certainty of a risen Christ who died on the cross for our sins and has been resurrected so that we may have everlasting life. How do we know this?

Just as the disciples walked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus, and spoke with him about everything that had happened, they did not know him. It wasn't until they had invited Jesus to stay with them, broke bread with him, and in the ritual of the communion supper with his blessing, that they recognized him.

We, too, may have spent many a time letting Jesus know what is going on with our lives, our families, our children, our employment, our unemployment, our hopes, our dreams, our very selves and yet we did not know him.

As you come to worship our Lord and Savior in this post-resurrection season and break bread with your brothers and sisters in Christ - yes, the ones who abandoned Jesus, the ones who ran away, the ones who were frightened, the ones who stayed locked in the upper room - yes, all these brothers and sisters in Christ, may you begin to recognize the Lord in them.

As you go about your daily life look for the risen Christ in all you meet. He is among us. We need to open our eyes and see.

In Christ's Love,
Rev. Bobbie